81 Squadron had the distinction of
conducting the last Operational Sorties of two significant WW2 RAF
aircraft types - The Spitfire and the Mosquito.
The last Operational Sortie of an RAF Spitfire was flown
on April 1, 1954, from RAF Seletar, in Singapore, as part of Operation Firedog,
during the Malayan Emergency. Mark 19 Spitfire, PS888, was piloted by Squadron
Leader Swaby. The Battle Of Britain Flight has a Mark 19 Spitfire flying in the
exact livery of PS888.
PS888 Before Final Flight. L/Rear Tex Baimbridge.R/Rear George Travers. Front/L F/L John Grant. Front /C Sq.Ldr Swaby. Front/R F/L Giddens. |
PS888 After Final Flight. |
The last Operational Sortie of an RAF Mosquito was flown on December 15,1955
from RAF Seletar during Operation Firedog. Mark PR34 Mosquito, RG314, was
piloted by Flying Officer Knox, with Flying Officer Thompson navigating.
RG314 Returning from last sortie. |
F/O Knox on right and F/O Thompson |
With Squadron Leader McCreith |
After its final sortie, PS888, along
with PS836 and PS890 was transferred to the Royal Thai Air Force. In 1961 PS890
was donated to the Planes Of Fame Museum in California. It was eventually
renovated and took to the skies again in 2000, albeit with clipped wings and
contra-rotating props. It was then purchased by a Frenchman and taken to Duxford
for the wingtips to be added.
PS890 Low Level at Seletar |
PS890 Nearing Completion 1999 |
Re-United after 50+ years at Duxford. Lf- G. Parkhouse, B.Rose, T.Wilkins. |
PS890 - 2009 - Single prop again. |
PS836 Awaiting Renovation - Thailand 2007. |
An Aircraft Museum in Malta has an ex 81 Squadron Spitfire on display. It is a
Mark IX and was flown by Wing Commander Berry in North Africa, in 1943:-
Canberra No. WH791 is on display at the Newark Air Museum in Notts:-

Prince William Wedding Fly Past, 2011, With The Mk XIX Spitfire From The BOB
Memorial Flight Dressed In The Livery Of PS888 During Its Last Flight. "THE
LAST" Can Be Seen On The Left Side Of The Engine.