The 2019 reunion has now been planned - Click on this link for information - Reunion The 81 Squadron Association and website was designed with the hope of contacting, and re-uniting as many ex-members of 81 Squadron as possible. No matter when, or where you, a relative, or friend served on 81 Squadron please contact Ron Cork - "ronald_cork@btinternet.com" Currently the 81 Squadron Association has over 135 ex-members of 81 Squadron, some of whom have photos elsewhere in this website. If you want your photo added to this website please send it, and it will be added. Maybe one of your old Buddies will see it. Inside the Website are photos and stories of aircraft and people from World War 2 up until the Squadrons disbandment in 1970. Photos included are of 81 Squadrons Spitfires, Mosquitoes, Hurricanes, Canberra's, Pembroke's and Anson. Website updated on 20th March. 2019
Website designed by shelley bright